MOVE MORE w/ Regan

MOVE MORE w/ Regan

A strengthening + faster paced MOVE MORE: we’ll warm up through the side body + hamstrings before facing challenge head-on in side plank + extended hand to big toe pose. Using a strap in creative ways; we'll stretch, we'll balance, we'll find our edge and maybe even push past it.

Recommended: strap (or tea towel, tie, belt etc.)

MOVE MORE w/ Regan
  • MOVE MORE w/ Regan

    A strengthening + faster paced MOVE MORE: we’ll warm up through the side body + hamstrings before facing challenge head-on in side plank + extended hand to big toe pose. Using a strap in creative ways; we'll stretch, we'll balance, we'll find our edge and maybe even push past it.

    Recommended: st...